Monday, 31 January 2011

ASSIGNMENT BANK 2: Film Trailer Analysis

Viral Trailer Questions – 500 words! You can use print screens to support your answers.

Find the full viral trailer for the film on IMDB and answer these questions:

1) What are the typical codes and conventions of film trailers - what information is usually provided? In what order is the information given? (you could provide a timeline like the one we did in class)

2) How might this trailer appeal to the audience? Does it have a unique selling point or use particular techniques? Who is the audience?

3) What are the advantages of using a viral trailer to promote a film over using a poster campaign?

4) Do you get a better idea about what the film is about from the trailer than from the poster? Why is this? What extra information do you get from the trailer? Does this make the film more desirable to the audience?

5) How has the genre been represented through characters, settings, lighting, colour, music, camera shots/movements/angles and editing?

6) How are trailers produced and distributed?

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